andrea -thanks mish 🙂 🙂 she’s in love with footie pyjamas at the moment and it makes me so happy — makes her seem a little less grown up 🙂ReplyCancel
February 18, 2012 - 2:52 pm
Amber-I love the light! Beautiful! ps I love the pjs too, I’ve never been able to find onesies big enough for Eva anymore. What is your source? 🙂ReplyCancel
February 19, 2012 - 10:01 pm
andrea -thanks amber!! these are just from old navy! (do you have old navy there?)ReplyCancel
Nina - Those pj’s are super cute!!
michele dyson - the colors in this, and her one piece jammies are adorable.
andrea - thanks mish 🙂 🙂 she’s in love with footie pyjamas at the moment and it makes me so happy — makes her seem a little less grown up 🙂
Amber - I love the light! Beautiful! ps I love the pjs too, I’ve never been able to find onesies big enough for Eva anymore. What is your source? 🙂
andrea - thanks amber!! these are just from old navy! (do you have old navy there?)