in pictures . afternoon sink bath ii 03.03.2015 Filed in:in pictures | tiny« in pictures . oscar was not taking bedtime very seriouslyin pictures . world geography » + - 4 comments March 5, 2015 - 4:41 am Josie - Love these!ReplyCancel March 5, 2015 - 7:34 am Yvonne - That splash! !! 🙂 🙂ReplyCancel March 5, 2015 - 6:02 pm meryl - I think I remember the Cole version! Sweet bath babies!ReplyCancel March 5, 2015 - 7:01 pm Crystal - I remember the pics of Cole in the sink also! Would love to see them side by side!ReplyCancel Your email is never published or shared. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment Δ(sorry to make you do this but the spam bots were taking over!) * Time limit is exhausted. Please reload the CAPTCHA. 7 − = share to:
Josie - Love these!
Yvonne - That splash! !! 🙂 🙂
meryl - I think I remember the Cole version! Sweet bath babies!
Crystal - I remember the pics of Cole in the sink also! Would love to see them side by side!