in pictures . backyard twirling

  • May 8, 2014 - 11:36 pm

    Mónica - A dance as it passes herself. Kisses and happy weekend.ReplyCancel

  • May 9, 2014 - 9:39 am

    Mona - Hi Andrea! I just found this blog and I am simply blown away! So inspiring and what a beautiful way to show life! I also think I am correct in my conclusion that you deserve a gold medal in shopping because your kids style is RIDICULOUS! Hopefully you can help, I am looking for a cute cadet hat for my daughter and cannot find one anywhere.. I saw Lila has one and was wondering if you knew of any stores that might carry it? I have found some but they are so flash or having some cat saying meow on it… 🙁 hahha keep up the amazing work!!ReplyCancel

    • May 9, 2014 - 4:10 pm

      andrea - thank you so much mona — i’m so glad you found your way here!! i believe the hat you are thinking of was from zara a year or two ago. hopefully they’ll be selling them again this year!ReplyCancel

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