in pictures . trick or treat

obligatory cheesy family shot 😉 (it was cold out there tonight.)

about a million more photos to come — stay tuned!

  • October 31, 2012 - 10:35 pm

    Jenn - Cute, and not cheesy at all.
    It was such a downpour here I couldn’t even risk taking my camera out. A couple quick shots at home and then it was umbrellas and Hunters. 🙂ReplyCancel

    • October 31, 2012 - 11:16 pm

      andrea - haha thanks! we had wind and snow/freezing rain so one shot on the front porch was about it for outdoors on our end too. brrrr! hope you stayed relatively dry 🙂ReplyCancel

  • October 31, 2012 - 11:02 pm

    Erinn T - how fun is this?!?!? Wicked family shot more like it!

    And I want to play in that plane.

    • October 31, 2012 - 11:17 pm

      andrea - thanks miss e. hope you had an awesome first halloween with your little man!ReplyCancel

  • November 1, 2012 - 5:16 am

    Nina - You did such an awesome job on their costumes! To me any family picture is worth having. Thank goodness you guys were able to bundle up. I wore jeans and a tank top out. 🙂ReplyCancel

    • November 1, 2012 - 7:26 pm

      andrea - thanks nina!! i agree on the family photos 🙂 and i’m kind of jealous, haha. we got so much snow today!ReplyCancel

  • November 1, 2012 - 2:48 pm

    Coryann - OMG! their costumes are ah-maz-ing!ReplyCancel

    • November 1, 2012 - 7:26 pm

      andrea - thanks you 🙂 🙂ReplyCancel

  • November 1, 2012 - 6:39 pm

    Kristen - Andrea what carrier do you have for your mister?ReplyCancel

    • November 1, 2012 - 7:24 pm

      andrea - this is a beco butterfly from when li was wee. i haven’t used it since cole was tiny, and i’m not sure if it was just the winter coat, but it was not a great fit, haha.ReplyCancel

  • November 1, 2014 - 8:53 pm

    in pictures . monsters and spiders and ghosts oh my [halloween 2014] | adventures in pinksugarland - […] hot air balloon) were ones i had designed for my costume feature in better homes and gardens, the jet pack was a hand me down from a couple of years ago, and the spaceman was lila’s old ballerina […]ReplyCancel

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