andrea -so cute right?! i was photographing the newborn baby brother of lila’s two buddies in the other room and walked in to this scene. love these girlies 🙂ReplyCancel
July 17, 2012 - 6:11 am
Bethany -Where did you get her bed? I absolutely love it!!ReplyCancel
July 17, 2012 - 6:26 am
andrea -it’s her friend’s room, but it’s from ikea!ReplyCancel
Nina - This is adorable!
andrea - so cute right?! i was photographing the newborn baby brother of lila’s two buddies in the other room and walked in to this scene. love these girlies 🙂
Bethany - Where did you get her bed? I absolutely love it!!
andrea - it’s her friend’s room, but it’s from ikea!
Coryann - I must get that bed for when my daughter gets older!
Amber - Super cute!
Christine - This is the cutest thing ever. As is her bed, love it.
Brandy - sweetest little friends