in pictures . dandelion appreciation day

  • June 18, 2014 - 2:34 pm

    Amanda - This is absolutely adorable!! Where did you get that perfect hat?ReplyCancel

    • June 18, 2014 - 9:14 pm

      andrea - thanks! american apparel!ReplyCancel

  • June 19, 2014 - 4:56 pm

    noelle - Did Cole remain from licking these ones?! hahaReplyCancel

    • June 23, 2014 - 9:14 pm

      andrea - haha!! i think he learned his lesson last year 😉ReplyCancel

      • June 25, 2014 - 8:08 pm

        noelle - … err.. that was supposed to be refrain** How embarrassing.ReplyCancel

  • June 22, 2014 - 5:34 pm

    Amanda - I’ve been browsing your blog for the past couple days and your family is so beautiful! This definitely inspired me to take more pictures of my three munchkins but all I have is my iphone at the moment. Any recommendations for a decent camera?? Thanks!ReplyCancel

    • June 23, 2014 - 9:13 pm

      andrea - thank you so much!! unfortunately, i don’t know much about the different cameras on the market but i’d assume any of the entry level canon or nikon dslr cameras with a 50mm lens would be a good place to start!ReplyCancel

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