in pictures . sometimes you try to take a photo of your child playing nicely on her bed, and you end up with… this 03.06.2014 Filed in:in pictures | merry maker | outtake | she« in pictures . spending some time with a favourite bookin pictures . movie night » + - 2 comments March 7, 2014 - 10:13 am Christine - hahaha, perfect!!ReplyCancel March 8, 2014 - 10:32 am Kristen - Or every time if you are me and my child! 🙂 But it shows their personality… right?!? 🙂ReplyCancel Your email is never published or shared. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment Δ(sorry to make you do this but the spam bots were taking over!) * Time limit is exhausted. Please reload the CAPTCHA. × = fifteen share to:
Christine - hahaha, perfect!!
Kristen - Or every time if you are me and my child! 🙂 But it shows their personality… right?!? 🙂