Nina-He is so darn cute. It’s going to be sad when he starts moving and loses his rolls, haha!ReplyCancel
March 19, 2012 - 10:12 am
andrea -haha right?! i love all the chub. good thing we likely have a few months before he starts moving 🙂 🙂ReplyCancel
March 19, 2012 - 9:54 am
Coryann-Is Cole doing infant swim classes?! If so, wdyt of them?ReplyCancel
March 19, 2012 - 2:10 pm
andrea -nope! we just went to the pool as a family. lila first went at six months and with cole, i’ll probably wait until he’s a year or so. the first lessons were basically just playing in the water and we can easily do that ourselves 🙂ReplyCancel
Nina - He is so darn cute. It’s going to be sad when he starts moving and loses his rolls, haha!
andrea - haha right?! i love all the chub. good thing we likely have a few months before he starts moving 🙂 🙂
Coryann - Is Cole doing infant swim classes?! If so, wdyt of them?
andrea - nope! we just went to the pool as a family. lila first went at six months and with cole, i’ll probably wait until he’s a year or so. the first lessons were basically just playing in the water and we can easily do that ourselves 🙂
Shabana - is that you holding him? you are FIT!
andrea - haha, thanks shabana. cole’s blocking the squishy bits 😉
Kali - Love his trunks! Do you mind sharing where you got them?
andrea - zara baby!
donna - wowza! does momma do bicep curls with that baby? 😉
andrea - haha, that i do not 🙂
i do tote him around a whole heckuva lot though — little dude likes his snuggles.