let’s go . yurting

we spent a may weekend at a yurt in pigeon lake provincial park — i didn’t take many photos of the actual yurt as we were too busy out exploring, but it was a fantastic experience and would definitely be a great intro trip for anyone who wants to give camping a try but isn’t quite ready to pitch a tent. the kids especially loved the giant bunk bed, the beach and playground, and of course, the campground ice cream shoppe!


ps. i’ve been waiting to share this so it would coincide with some info from my pal kelsy who has just launched an awesome kids’ travel blog — go check out her post for a ton of info about their yurting adventure and exploring with little ones!

  • July 27, 2015 - 5:03 pm

    Happy Camping in a Yurt » Twirls and Travels - […] Pigeon Lake Provincial Lake earlier this year and snagged one of the yurts with a large deck. She a great post about their adventure on her lifestyle blog (which is well worth following along for more cute kids […]ReplyCancel

  • July 27, 2015 - 5:12 pm

    kelsy - I love that image of Lila and her ice cream cone! So good!

    Looks like a perfect weekend with lots of ladybugs as well 😉ReplyCancel

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