Category Archives: in motion

despite the fact that he asks for lila every three seconds while she is gone, i think cole is quite enjoying having free rein over the house and toys while his big sister is off at school every day.

they’ve become a bit more mobile since their first playdate last january.

and they have a lot more hair.

and alice’s room is as awesome as ever.

and their mouths are full of raisins.

and while we’re on the subject of bedrooms, there are two that will hopefully be shared around here very soon!

(edit: based on the comments below and the emails in my inbox, it appears i worded this very awkwardly, haha! the kiddos aren’t going to sharing a room — i am just planning to (finally!) share photos of their rooms here on the blog soon!)

i’ve been looking into cotton candy machines for a while now, so when the la shop contacted me with the opportunity to review one, i jumped at the chance. because really, (even though we used blue for most of the photos) is there anything that says ‘pink sugar’ more than a sweet puff of pink cotton candy?

the whole process is super simple: add the sugar (it comes included) to the pan, turn it on, and wrap the candy floss around a cone (not included — we made ours out of striped craft paper) as it begins spinning out. it’s the perfect little single serving, and each one only takes a couple of minutes, so making up a few cones was no problem. we did have some issues with the candy melting and sticking to the sides, but a little warm water rinsed that right off. overall, if you’re looking for a fun activity to do with your kids and don’t mind a bit of sugar once in a while, i’d definitely recommend looking into one of these cotton candy makers.

and as soon as i figure out a good way to package the stuff, my clients can look forward to their packages being just a little bit sweeter! …in the meantime, we’ll snack on it ourselves ๐Ÿ˜‰

thanks again to the la shop for sending us this awesome kids’ cotton candy maker to review. make sure you take a minute to check out their site and see all of the other goodies they have to offer — they carry some photography gear alongside the fun novelty items ๐Ÿ™‚

my dad’s name is: mark andrew hanki

he is 50 years old

my dad looks like: i don’t know how… he has black hair. he’s as big as… i mean, strong enough to lift up a house.

my dad’s job is: geophysics and physics

the best thing my dad cooks is: hot dogs

i like to go camping and bike ride with my dad

my dad always says: i love you

i love my dad because: he loves me

happy father’s day mister hanki. you’re pretty much the greatest.

ps. apparently we’re both 50! time to work on those numbers ๐Ÿ˜‰
pps. and while we’re at it, my interviewing skills could use some work too. #speakingoncameraisthemostawkwardthingever #ormaybehashtaggingablogpostis #toughcall

i’m at a photography convention this week (being inspired like crazy) and away from my kiddos for a couple of days for the first time. i got a quick chance this morning to facetime the kiddos while they play with my momma. can’t wait to hug them both crazy tight tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

also, i have a pretty awesome post lined up for tonight. just sayin.